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Enrique García Bordejé

cientifico titular

Instituto de Carboquímica (CSIC)

Zaragoza, Spain

13 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

I am senior scientist at the Instituto de Carboquimica (CSIC-Zaragoza). My research expertise is in heterogeneous catalysis, carbon and structured reactors.

My organisation

The Instituto de Carboquímica (ICB) in Zaragoza (Spain) with 30 research staff members belongs to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, 10,000 employees). The Institute is organised into three departments (Energy and Environment, Chemical Processes and Carbon Nanostructures and Nanotechnology) and six research groups. ICB has a high-level reputation on research areas with high social impact (climate change, air pollution, waste recovery and valorisation, etc.), strategic areas (hydrogen production, renewal fuels, advanced materials, etc.), as well as other fields of considerable social demand and research opportunities (nanoscience and nanotechnology, new molecular sensors, etc.).
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About me

Dr. Enrique García-Bordejé is senior researcher at the Instituto of Carbochemistry (CSIC) since 2007. He got Master degree in Chemistry (1991) and Doctoral degree (1998) at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). In between, he also worked in industry (paper industry). Subsequently, he undertook a 2-years Postdoctoral stay at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and 3-months stay at NTNU in Trondheim (Norway). During the period as permanent researcher at Institute of Carbochemistry, he has also coordinated one European project (MONACAT, no.: 226347) and participated in other European project (FREECATS) and national projects. Along the different periods, more than 70 articles were published in international scientific journals of recognized prestige and numerous oral presentations were given in International Conferences. The publications include some in high impact factor journals such as Advanced materials (25.8), Journal of material chemistry A (10.73), Journal of Catalysis (7.72) or Energy storage materials (15.9). The total number of citations is 1986 and the H-index=29. He has filed two patents and written 4 book chapters. He has supervised 2 PhD thesis and 8 master thesis. He has been part of scientific committee of the international conference CARBOCAT (Conference on Carbon for Catalysis) and he is co-chairing the next CARBOCAT meeting in Zaragoza.

My organisation

Instituto de Carboquímica (CSIC)

Social media


  • Catálisis
  • reactores estructurados
  • materiales de carbono
  • captura de CO2
  • Conversion catalitica de CO2
  • almacenamiento de H2 en compuestos químicos


  • Captura y conversión catalitica de CO2

Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop the optimised, integrated European net-zero emissions energy systemdevelop a pool of zero-emission power technologies and solutions based on Renewable Energy Sourcesprovide technological cleaner solutions for hydrogen and renewable fuelsprovide technological cleaner solutions for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation)

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