HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

Canan Korkmaz

R&D Lead

Ankara, Türkiye

46 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

My organisation

TUBITAK) and-Inavitas plays an important role in providing smart solutions in energy monitoring and management. It keeps up with the rapidly developing sector by increasing its knowledge with the R&D projects it carries out in parallel with its vision. In this context, international and national R&D projects are carried out by inavitas in areas such as energy management systems, renewable energy, smart grids, grid flexibility, microgrids, IoT devices, electric vehicles, etc. Inavitas has an R&D center and more than 20 ongoing nationally (TUBITAK)and EC funded (3) projects. We have completed three successful projects successfully about PV systems and have 2 ongoing Projects. 2 of the Projects are ERANET projects conducted with international partners AIT, UOWM, PI Photovoltaik Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Aerial PV Inspection GmbH, and Enery Development GmbH.
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Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop the optimised, integrated European net-zero emissions energy systemdevelop a pool of zero-emission power technologies and solutions based on Renewable Energy Sourcesdevelop and validate integrated regional and local energy systems, NoREST initiativedevelop and demonstrate technical solutions for integrated industrial energy systems

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