HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking


Operations Manager

European Gas Research Group (GERG)

Brussels, Belgium

1 profile visitPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project


My organisation

European Gas Research Group (GERG)


Non-profit association for European research, development, and innovation for gas and energy. Our extensive network of members from industry (TSOs, DSOs), research centres, and academia work together to deliver timely and high-quality research to make possible the sustainable and safe EU energy sector of the future.

Social media


  • project management
  • Research
  • innovation
  • EU projects
  • horizon europe
  • clean hydrogen partnership
  • methane
  • methane emissions
  • Gas
  • gas infrastructure
  • CCUS
  • Biomethane
  • Biogás
  • Clustering
  • project impact


  • Energy transition
  • energy skills
  • Hydrogen
  • Sector Coupling
  • project development
  • skills
  • Biomethane
  • CCUS

Additional questions

I am interested in the following Call Modules of the Joint Call 2024:

Call Module 2: Energy system flexibilityCall Module 4: Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)Call Module 5: Hydrogen and renewable fuels

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

develop the optimised, integrated European net-zero emissions energy systemprovide technological cleaner solutions for storage technologiesprovide technological cleaner solutions for hydrogen and renewable fuelsprovide technological cleaner solutions for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation)provide enhanced and improved heating & cooling technologies and systemsprovide solutions and technologies for buildings to become an active element in the energy system


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