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Roman Bilak

President & CEO

Terralog Technologies Inc.


2 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

I am the founder of two clean technology companies focusing on technology for sustainable energy resource development & long duration energy storage technology.

My organisation

Terralog Technologies Inc. (TTI) is a leading technical and environmental service company that specializes in NORM services, petroleum geomechanics and the deep well disposal of various waste streams; particularly petroleum Exploration & Production waste streams. TTI maintains an active Research & Development program related to petroleum geomechanics and modeling of deep well disposal processes; various R&D projects are done in collaboration with the University of Waterloo, Canada. TTI has been (is) involved in projects in Canada, US, Europe (N. Sea), Middle East, and SE Asia. TTI has developed and pioneered the use of an innovative hydraulic stimulation method, called the CycleStim™️process. This process offers a proven stimulation solution for enhanced geothermal energy development. TTI is a leading service company in deep well disposal services to the petroleum industry. TTI developed the Slurry Fracture Injection™️ (SFI™️) technology as an advanced deep well disposal process for upstream petroleum waste streams. This process assists producers in obtaining Zero Discharge Exploration and Production for operations. TTI in conjunction with an affiliated company (CTG) is working to develop and deploy a Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) System called Wellstor™. This system will allow for storage of off-peak, excess or irregular power from renewable energy sources. This technology is ideal for LDES applications for renewal energy electricity supply systems. The Wellstor process provides a safe, scalable and site independent capability with reduced environmental impact (compared to batteries, pumped hydro, etc.). I am also the founder of CleanTech Geomechanices Inc. (CTG), a company which is developing Cased Wellbore Compressed Air Storage (CWCAS) technology process called WellStor™. Wellstor is a Long Duration Energy Storage process.
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About me


  • President and CEO of Terralog Technologies Inc.,

  • President Director of PT Terralog Teknologies Indonesia

  • President CEO of CleanTech Geomechanics Inc.


  • M.Sc. Degree in Earth Sciences (Geomechanics), 1989

  • B.Sc. (Honours) Degree in Geology, 1985


  • Technical Cooperation Expert (NORM) – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Department of Technical Cooperation.

  • Participation in events sponsored by the Canada-ASEAN Business Council.

  • December 2017; Keynote presenter for a workshop on Zero Discharge Disposal for the Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant – In cooperation with the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service; Tokyo, Japan.

  • February 2017; Lecturer for a workshop on Deep Well Disposal for NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) Waste Streams; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • October 2002; Lecturer for a technical workshop on Deep Well Disposal for E&P waste streams – IATMI Annual Symposium 2002 (IATMI Simposium dan Kongres); Jakarta, Indonesia

  • October 1998; Chairman for TTI sponsored Workshop in Deep Well Disposal for Municipal Waste Water Treatment Sludge – October 1998 in Vancouver, B.C


Terralog strives to be a world-class service provider of sustainable energy development and clean energy technologies. Terralog provides industry “Best Practices” for hydraulic stimulation and geomechanics services related to sustainable energy resource development.

Terralog works cooperatively with its clients to ensure its products and services meet technical, quality, safety and environmental management objectives using advanced deep well waste disposal, unconventional resource development, and other processes. Terralog is committed to comply with the requirements of the quality management system and continually improve the effectiveness of this system in our company.


  • Development of business Internationally with work in the US, SE Asia, Europe, Middle East. Requiring:

    • Culture, societal and business knowledge of said markets,

    • a sound understanding of policies and regulations in relation to trade and investment,

    • having good corporate governance, international business integrity and anti-corruption practices as well as compliance with Canada's Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act,

    • developing effective working relationships and extensive business networks in international core markets.

  • Provide oversight for Project Development, Planning, Project Management and Controls.

  • Work with various governments internationally.

  • Responsible for communications with stakeholders.

  • Oversight and implementation of corporate governance and best practices for company activities and core markets.

  • Management of Research & Development program to advance opportunities in sustainable resource extractive technology and renewable energy technology.


My organisation

Terralog Technologies Inc.


Terralog Technologies Inc. (TTI) is a leading technical and environmental service company that specializes in NORM services, petroleum geomechanics and the deep well disposal of various waste streams; particularly petroleum Exploration & Production waste streams. TTI maintains an active Research & Development program related to petroleum geomechanics and modeling of deep well disposal processes; various R&D projects are done in collaboration with the University of Waterloo, Canada. TTI has been (is) involved in projects in Canada, US, Europe (N. Sea), Middle East, and SE Asia.

TTI has developed and pioneered the use of an innovative hydraulic stimulation method, called the CycleStim™️process. This process offers a proven stimulation solution for enhanced geothermal energy development.

TTI is a leading service company in deep well disposal services to the petroleum industry. TTI developed the Slurry Fracture Injection™️ (SFI™️) technology as an advanced deep well disposal process for upstream petroleum waste streams. This process assists producers in obtaining Zero Discharge Exploration and Production for operations.

TTI in conjunction with an affiliated company (CTG) is working to develop and deploy a Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) System called Wellstor™. This system will allow for storage of off-peak, excess or irregular power from renewable energy sources. This technology is ideal for LDES applications for renewal energy electricity supply systems. The Wellstor process provides a safe, scalable and site independent capability with reduced environmental impact (compared to batteries, pumped hydro, etc.).

I am also the founder of CleanTech Geomechanices Inc. (CTG), a company which is developing Cased Wellbore Compressed Air Storage (CWCAS) technology process called WellStor™. Wellstor is a Long Duration Energy Storage process.


  • Geomechanics
  • Business Development
  • Clean Energy Technology
  • Project planning
  • Effective communicator
  • Sustainable Energy Resource Development


  • Community Development Programs
  • Environmental Sustainability

Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

provide technological cleaner solutions for storage technologies

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