HomeOrganisers for Matchmaking

Dominiek Vandewiele

Program manager energy transition

Intercommunale Leiedal

Kortrijk, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

3 profile visitsPotential applicant for a funded RTDI project

Working for Leiedal, I'm supporting the energy transition with 13 local authorities in Sout-West-Flanders: from 5GDHC to a smart microgrid lighthouse and EMS.

My organisation

Intercommunale Leiedal

Intercommunale Leiedal

Authority/Government/Public Body


At Intercommunale Leiedal, we are dedicated to fostering sustainable regional development and collaboration among municipalities in South-West region of Belgium. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for our communities through innovative projects and initiatives that address key economic, social, and environmental challenges. By leveraging our collective strengths and resources, we strive to create a thriving environment for businesses and residents alike. The optimal integration of the energy transition is one of the key strategies of our region. We stimulate and facilitate ZEB-renovations in private and public buildings, we set up a lighthouse project (living lab) with a smart microgrid with DC and EMS in an urban district, make heating fossil-free via integration of 5th generation district heating, and make the energy transition more inclusive via energy communities.
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About me

Dominiek Vandewiele is the Program Manager for Energy Transition at Intercommunale Leiedal, a regional development agency in South-West Flanders, Belgium.

In this role, he has been instrumental in establishing sustainable energy and climate policies for 13 cities and municipalities within the Covenant of Mayors Initiative.

Throughout his career, Dominiek has managed several European projects focused on smart energy systems, energy positive urban districts, deep energy renovation of dwellings, sustainable energy solutions for SMEs, low-carbon district heating, urban low-carbon policy, and shared and sustainable mobility.

One of the most ambitious projects is the Transfo Living Lab, an urban district where a smart microgrid with a DC-backbone on district level is established.

Notably, he has contributed to initiatives such as the ConnectHeat project, which promotes the development of 5th generation heating/cooling networks for energy communities, aiming to provide climate-neutral heating solutions.

In addition to his project management roles, Dominiek has shared his expertise through presentations and workshops. For instance, he has discussed the BISEPS step-by-step plan for achieving energy-neutral business parks, highlighting the importance of collective energy solutions in industrial areas.

Dominiek's work at Leiedal reflects his commitment to fostering an attractive, dynamic, and sustainable region for business, discovery, work, and living.

My organisation

Intercommunale Leiedal


At Intercommunale Leiedal, we are dedicated to fostering sustainable regional development and collaboration among municipalities in South-West region of Belgium. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for our communities through innovative projects and initiatives that address key economic, social, and environmental challenges. By leveraging our collective strengths and resources, we strive to create a thriving environment for businesses and residents alike.

The optimal integration of the energy transition is one of the key strategies of our region. We stimulate and facilitate ZEB-renovations in private and public buildings, we set up a lighthouse project (living lab) with a smart microgrid with DC and EMS in an urban district, make heating fossil-free via integration of 5th generation district heating, and make the energy transition more inclusive via energy communities.

Social media

Additional questions

I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:

provide enhanced and improved heating & cooling technologies and systemsdevelop and validate integrated regional and local energy systems, NoREST initiativeprovide solutions and technologies for buildings to become an active element in the energy system

Marketplace (1)

  • Project cooperation

    Transfo Living Lab

    At the Transfo Living Lab a circular DC microgrid is established, energy storage, renewable energy and advanced smart energy management.

    • Demonstrator
    • Validator/Living lab
    • CM2024-07: Geothermal energy technologies
    • CM2024-06: Heating and cooling technologies
    • CM2024-08: Integrated regional energy systems
    • CM2024-10: Clean energy integration in the built environment

    Dominiek Vandewiele

    Program manager energy transition at Intercommunale Leiedal

    Kortrijk, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium