Aurora Offshore Engineering (AOE) is a boutique engineering consultancy with a strong focus on offshore renewable energy. Since our establishment in 2015, we are proud to say we have contributed towards the design of over 22GW out of the worldwide total of 75GW (2024) of new global renewable energy projects.
As specialist in Hydrodynamics, Seabeds and Structures, AOE brings together skills and extensive experience in both academic research and pragmatic, cost-effective offshore design consultancy for the renewable, hydrocarbon and wider ocean industries.
We pride ourselves on overcoming engineering challenges, especially where they arise between the boundaries of traditional engineering disciplines.
Dr. Marie-Lise Schlaeppy is a marine and benthic ecologist with over 20 years of experience studying marine invertebrate communities and small tropical fishes across Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe, the Pacific, and temperate regions. She holds a Ph.D. in natural sciences from Bremen University and the Max-Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology. Dr. Schläppy's research focuses on benthic biodiversity. She has researched biodiversity on and around anthropogenic structures, such as offshore wind and marine renewable energy. Her expertise includes SCUBA diving, video transects, mosaicing, and using remotely operated vehicle footage for marine research. Currently, Dr. Schläppy is a Principal Marine Ecologist at Aurora Offshore Engineering and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia. She is also involved in marine citizen science projects, including work with Reef Check Australia since 2009. Dr. Schläppy's research interests extend to microbial processes in sponges and the life-history characteristics of small benthic fish.
Aurora Offshore Engineering (AOE) is a boutique engineering consultancy with a strong focus on offshore renewable energy. Since our establishment in 2015, we are proud to say we have contributed towards the design of over 22GW out of the worldwide total of 75GW (2023) of new global renewable energy projects.
As specialist in Hydrodynamics, Seabeds and Structures, AOE brings together skills and extensive experience in both academic research and pragmatic, cost-effective offshore design consultancy for the renewable, hydrocarbon and wider ocean industries.
We pride ourselves on overcoming engineering challenges, especially where they arise between the boundaries of traditional engineering disciplines.
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marine biology
offshore wind
Marine Renewables
subsea cables
cable stability
Climate Change
Nature-Based Solutions
Renewable Energy
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I am interested in the following CETPartnership thematic areas:
develop the optimised, integrated European net-zero emissions energy systemdevelop a pool of zero-emission power technologies and solutions based on Renewable Energy Sourcesprovide solutions and technologies for buildings to become an active element in the energy system