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Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials


www.usc.es/ciqus/en/research/research-groupsSantiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Spain
3 profile visits


The CIQUS addresses challenges in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, New functional Materials and Synthetic Technologies. We comprise 18 research which were awarded 11 ERC projects (4 ERC-PoC). We obtained an average of 8 MEUR/year (2020-2022) in competitive funds, achieving an average Impact Factor of 8.64 (JCR, 2020-2021). Other outputs are 21 patents granted, 5 licences and 4 spin-offs. See: https://www.usc.es/ciqus/en/research/projects

  • MATERIALS: i) Metal-Carbon Hybrid Nanostructures: durable electrodes, hybrid capacitors & nanoreactors and electrolytes; ii) Tailored Nanographenes; iii) Magnetic, electronic & thermal properties; iv) Chirality. Stimuli-Responsive polymers; v) Organic, inorganic & metallo-organic materials.
  • SYNTHESIS: i) Innovative catalytic methodologies; ii) Selective and sustainable synthetic methodologies; iii) Catalytic transformations in biological media; iii) Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Key projects - “Materials & Synthesis”: • ERC-SyG “MolDAM”: Molecular Devices by Atom Manipulation. • ERC-CoG "BECAME”: Bimetallic Catalysis for General Methane Functionalization. • ERC-StG "NANOCOMP": Complex Dynamics of Clusters in High-Aspect Ratio Hollow Nanostructures. • ERC-StG “2DTHERMS”: Thermoelectrics Based on 2-D Nanostructures of Correlated Oxides. • ERC-PoC “ZABCAT” A new Zn-Air Battery Prototype to Overcome Cathode Degradation. • ERC-PoC “ANTS”: A New of Microthermal Sensing for Application in Microcalorimetry.

• FET-OPEN “e-PROT”: Engineered Conductive Proteins for Bioelectronics. • FET-OPEN “SWIMMOT”: Switchable magneto-plasmonic contrast agents and molecular imaging technologies. • FET-OPEN “SPRING”: Spin Research in Graphene: spintronics & quantum computing • Graphene-Flagship “LEGOCHIP”: Nanoporous Graphene & Nanophotonic Biosensor Devices.


Fernando Casal

Knowledge Transfer & International Projects

Centro de Investigación en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares