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Innorma R&D Inc.


46 profile visits


Innorma R&D is a cleantech company founded in InnoPark Technology Development Zone. Innorma develops innovative solutions in solar energy, solar thermal applications, building integrated sustainable energy technologies, waste heat recovery and energy efficiency processes, renewable energy in agriculture, heat pumps and air conditioning sectors towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future. Moreover, Innorma R&D offers simulation solutions from design to engineering. In this way, Innorma R&D not only try to realise the green solutions of future but also make efforts to optimise the today’s technologies through R&D projects in greentech field.
Recently, Innorma R&D has ongoing R&D projects about solar thermal and hybrid PV/T collector, thermal energy storage, indirect evaporative coolers, solar food dryers, atmospheric water generators and thermal management of various capacity diesel generators with the industry. Due to its excellent performance in the R&D of green energy technologies, it began to attract investment and supports notably from SME support administration (KOSGEB), The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and EU EIC Accelerator .

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Marketplace (4)

  • Project cooperation

    Innovative green building solutions

    • Solar thermal collectors • Solar atmospheric water generators • Solar assisted heat pumps & Evaporative coolers

    • Other
    • Investor
    • Consultant
    • R&D Partner
    • Demonstrator
    • Technology Partner
    • Validator/Living lab
  • Service

    R&D Capabilities

    • Thermal & Flow Analysis • Building Energy Modelling (BEM) • 3D Design and Optimisation • Prototype and testing • Case study building

    • Other
    • Investor
    • Consultant
    • R&D Partner
    • Demonstrator
    • Technology Partner
    • Validator/Living Lab
    • Project Conception and/or Coordination
  • Service

    Partner offer

    - Solar PV/T, thermal and evacuated tube panels - Solar assisted heating and cooling - Atmospheric water harvesting - Heat recovery

    • Other
    • Investor
    • Consultant
    • R&D Partner
    • Demonstrator
    • Technology Partner
    • Validator/Living Lab
    • Project Conception and/or Coordination