Project cooperationUpdated on 22 January 2024

Hydrogen Valley Small Scale, İzmir-2024


Tüpraş R&D Clean Hydrogen Product Owner at Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation, TÜPRAŞ A.Ş.

Kocaeli, Türkiye


On behalf of Tüpraş R&D Clean Hydrogen Team, we would like to share with you our interest in the 2024 "Hydrogen Valley (Small Scale)" call within the European Union's Horizon Europe framework.

Within the scope of this year's Hydrogen Valley call, Tüpraş will be involved in the project as both coordinator and industrial partner. We are rapidly continuing our work on consortium preparations with relevant companies.

The location of the project, which aims to create a hydrogen valley where the entire value chain from hydrogen production to the end user will take place, will be Izmir. It is planned to produce green hydrogen with the electrolyzer to be installed at Tüpraş's site in Izmir. The use cases of green H2, which will be produced at a rate of 500 tons per year, is planned for the project as industrial use, energy use and H2 derivative product use.

By enriching the hydrogen value chain, you can convey to us your interest in the idea of taking part in the project with the support you can provide to the project with your expertise in the entire chain from production to application. We are looking for project partners within and outside Turkey (including EU partners) within the scope of industrial practitioners, research and development, innovations, storage, transportation, public awareness and digital applications for the use of Hydrogen. If you are interested in taking part in the project, we can organize a meeting with you and discuss the details about the project.

We are open to project partner suggestions that will serve the innovation scope of the call and add value to the project with their expertise or decarbonization.


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