Project cooperationUpdated on 26 January 2024

Demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell-powered inland or short-sea shipping - HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024 (HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024)

Aykut Korkmaz

Research Fellow (Post Doctoral) at University of Southampton

Southampton, United Kingdom


Advancing Short-Sea Shipping through a Sustainable Hydrogen Network

Building upon the successful funding from the UK government's CMDC 3 project, our initiative aims to develop a pioneering Hydrogen Network specifically tailored for short-sea shipping activities. This project seeks to revolutionize maritime logistics by leveraging hydrogen fuel technology to significantly reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy efficiency in short-sea shipping.

Our goal is to establish a scalable, efficient, and sustainable hydrogen distribution and utilization network. This will involve the development of hydrogen production facilities, storage solutions, and refueling infrastructure, ensuring seamless integration with maritime operations.

We're actively seeking partners and a project coordinator to join our consortium. Ideal partners should have expertise in hydrogen technology, maritime infrastructure, renewable energy, and a strong commitment to sustainable maritime practices. Together, we aim to create a blueprint for future green shipping, positioning Europe at the forefront of eco-friendly maritime transport.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Hydrogen production and supply chain development

  • Integration of hydrogen fuel systems in maritime vessels

  • Infrastructure for hydrogen storage and distribution

  • Environmental impact assessment and sustainability measures

  • Collaboration with maritime stakeholders for practical implementation

Desired Outcomes:

  • A fully operational hydrogen network for short-sea shipping

  • Significant reductions in maritime carbon emissions

  • Enhanced energy efficiency and operational cost savings

  • Strengthening Europe's position in sustainable maritime technology

This project presents an opportunity for partners to engage in cutting-edge research and development, contribute to a significant environmental cause, and be part of a transformative shift in maritime transport.


  • Planning


  • HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-04: Demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell-powered inland or short sea shipping


  • Demonstration


University of Southampton


Southampton, United Kingdom

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