Sibel Irmak

Faculty (Research Professor)

Pennsylvania State University

State College, United States

10 profile visits

Faculty in the Agricultural & Biological Engineering Dept., Pennsylvania State University. Main research: Thermochemical conversion of biomass into hydrogen.


Sibel Irmak, Ph.D. — Directory — Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (

Education History:

Ph.D. Chemistry; Cukurova University, Turkey                             February 2000-September 2003

M.S. Chemistry; Cukurova University, Turkey                              August 1997-February 2000

B.E. Chemistry; Cukurova University, Turkey                           June 1993-June 1997

Affiliated/members of :

(i)  The Institutes of Energy and the Environment, Penn State. (ii) Center for Biorenewables | The Huck Institutes, Penn State.

Employment history:

·       Research Professor, (75% Research and 25% Teaching), Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Pennsylvania State University (07/2021–present).

·       Adjunct Research Professor, Food Science and Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (07/2021–present).

·       Research Associate Professor (100% Research), Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (01/2014–06/2021).

·       Courtesy Research Associate Professor (100% Research), Food Science and Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (06/2020–06/2021).

·       Associate Professor (50% Research and 50% Teaching), Department of Chemistry, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey (10/2012–12/2013).

·       Assistant Professor (50% Research and 50% Teaching), Department of Chemistry, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey (01/2008–09/2012).

·       Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey (09/2006–12/2007).

·       Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA (08/2005–08/2006).

·       Post-doctoral Researcher, Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA (09/2003–07/2005).

·       Research Scholar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (2000–2001).

·       Research and Teaching Assistant, Cukurova University, Chemistry, Adana, Turkey (1997–2003).

Professional Services: 

I am active in professional societies [American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), American Chemical Society (ACS), North American Catalysis Society, etc.] in various platforms and services, including mentorship and session organizer, moderator and judge in the scientific societies’ annual meetings and serving in committees (i.e., ASABE ES-220 Biomass Energy & Industrial Byproducts; ASE-12 Forest Engineering, ASABE-US Technical Advisory Group for ISO/TC 255 Biogas). Currently, I am Chair of ASE-12 Forest Engineering Committee.

Research Interests:

Thermochemical conversions of woody biomass into value-added products (e.g. platform chemicals, gas biofuels-mainly hydrogen and degradable biopolymers), developing catalysts for various conversion processes using nanotechnological approaches, and developing degradable plastics for agricultural applications.

My organisation

Pennsylvania State University

The Pennsylvania State University is a multi-campus, land-grant, public research university that educates students from around the world and supports individuals and communities through integrated programs of teaching, research, and service. The Pennsylvania State University | Penn State (

The Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering is Penn State’s home for advancing the engineering, business, and technical management of biological and agricultural systems through teaching, research, and outreach. Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (

Social media


  • Hydrothermal gasification and catalysts


  • Conversion of biomass to hydrogen, catalysts

Additional questions

Hydrogen Topic Headings

HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-05: Hydrogen production and integration in energyintensive or specialty chemical industries in a circular approach to maximise total process efficiency and substance utilisation


Pennsylvania State University


University Park, United States

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