Dinko Durdevic

Project Manager

Gitone Kvarner

Zagreb, Croatia

9 profile visits

Project Manager at Gitone Kvarner, working on topics of hydrogen (mobility - HRS and maritime mainly, considering also rail and road), RES and Waste-to-Energy.


Dinko Đurđević graduated on Faculty of chemical engineering and technology, in the field of Environmental Engineering, in Zagreb. He worked in the national Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) between 2015 and 2022, in the Department for Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection. Within the framework of EIHP, his work scope included climate change mitigation, waste management, renewable energy sources utilization (mainly biomass and biogas) and hydrogen. In 2022, he joined Hydrogen Europe, as a Mobility Applications Analyst, working on deploying and lobbying for faster implementation of hydrogen-powered vehicles. Dinko joined Gitone Kvarner in 2023, where he works on all aforementioned topics, mainly within the scope of EU-funded projects, with a special focus on Waste-to-Energy, waste management and hydrogen topics.

Contributing to his work experience, Dinko has an MBA and is currently a PhD student at Faculty of Business and Economy, at University of Rijeka - working on sewage sludge management topic from socio-economic perspective.

My organisation

Gitone Kvarner is project management company, with a large portfolio of companies within a broad scope of topics - from tourism and waste management, to energy and hydrogen. With our partner companies, we wish to accelerate the transition of Kvarner and Croatia towards green energy and broader implementation of hydrogen, through mobility in maritime, but also in road and rail sectors.

We are always on the lookout for potential projects to join in, as well as to create new ones and find suitable partners, especially in the energy and mobility sector, including waste-to-energy.

Social media


  • project management
  • Hydrogen
  • Team management
  • analysis
  • sewage sludge management
  • Economy
  • Environmental protection


  • Hydrogen
  • waste management
  • sewage sludge management
  • renewable energy sources
  • waste-to-energy

Additional questions

Hydrogen Topic Headings

HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-02: Novel large-scale aboveground storage solutions for demand-optimised supply of hydrogenHORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-05: Demonstration and deployment of multi-purpose Hydrogen Refuelling Stations combining road and airport, railway, and/or harbour applicationsHORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-03: Next generation on-board storage solutions for hydrogen-powered maritime applicationsHORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-04: Demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell-powered inland or short sea shippingHORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-05-01: Guidelines for sustainable-by-design systems across the hydrogen value chain


Gitone Kvarner


Zagreb, Croatia

Marketplace (2)

  • Project cooperation

    Hydrogen Mobility Ecosystem

    Development of a hydrogen ecosystem for mobility in a local area (Rijeka-Kvarner), with multi-modal HRS for road and maritime mobility

    • Early
    • Demonstration
    • Research & Development
    • HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-04: Demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell-powered inland or short sea shipping
    • HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-05-01: Guidelines for sustainable-by-design systems across the hydrogen value chain
    • HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-03-03: Next generation on-board storage solutions for hydrogen-powered maritime applications
    • HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-02: Novel large-scale aboveground storage solutions for demand-optimised supply of hydrogen
    • HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-05: Demonstration and deployment of multi-purpose Hydrogen Refuelling Stations combining road and airport, railway, and/or harbour applications

    Dinko Durdevic

    Project Manager at Gitone Kvarner

    Zagreb, Croatia

  • Expertise

    Hydrogen implementation in maritime sector

    Providing assistance in project management, dissemination and communication and technical expertise in hydrogen in maritime

    • CROSS CUTTING (Safe and Sustainable Design Solutions for Hydrogen Value Chain etc..)
    • HYDROGEN END USES: TRANSPORT APPLICATIONS (PEMFC, Heavy Duty, Maritime and Shipping Applications etc)

    Dinko Durdevic

    Project Manager at Gitone Kvarner

    Zagreb, Croatia