Natalia Pons Puig

Researcher at decarbonization group


Valencia, Spain

9 profile visits


I am a Chemical Engineer specialized in renewable energy, currently employed at AIMPLAS, the technological center for plastics, within the decarbonization department. My focus is on projects related to materials for the production, storage, and distribution of hydrogen.

My organisation

AIMPLAS, Technological Institute of Plastics located in Valencia, is a private, non-profit Association with more than 800 associated companies created in 1990. AIMPLAS is formed by +210 highly skilled professional, more than 62% with a Masters, Engineering or equivalent degree in Chemistry, polymer engineering, materials engineering or equivalent, including 29 PhD. It generates new knowledge and technologies that are transferred to companies, helping them to increase competitiveness.  

AIMPLAS has +20 pilot plants (+12.000 m2) with the most relevant polymer/plastic production and recycling technologies present in the industry, as well as laboratories for chemical, morphological, mechanical and physical characterization of waste, materials and products. These pilot lines and laboratories are used by many customers every year allowing them to test new materials, optimize production processes and launch new products to the market, supported by AIMPLAS technical staff, resulting in more than 5000 assays, 170 technical assessments and 120 training actions to more than 1500 clients per year.

AIMPLAS is member of several international networks and organizations, such as ECP4, AESICOM or BIC and standardization committees (ISO and CEN). 

AIMPLAS’ fields of work are related to technological research and development on thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials & products, its transformation processes and their recyclability and sustainability. AIMPLAS generates new knowledge and technologies that can be transferred to companies in order to help them to increase their effectiveness and competitiveness.

AIMPLAS has a broad expertise in circular economy focusing in the fields of recycling and valorisation of plastics and biomass, as well as compatibilization of materials, compounding, reactive extrusion, biopolymers and renewable source materials, special assisted processing technologies and nanocomposites, gained during the last years in the frame of EU and national projects. Nowadays, Nowadays, AIMPLAS has participated in 140 EU projects; 9 FP5 (1 coordinated), 20 FP6 (10 coordinated), 34 FP7 (10 coordinated 11 LIFE+ (7 coordinated), and 8 CIP Eco-Innovation (3 coordinated), 41 H2020 (13 coordinated), 2 Leonardo and 2 Intelligent Energy Europe. At National and Regional levels AIMPLAS participates in around 100 projects yearly. BREAD4PLA project, coordinated by AIMPLAS, was awarded as one of the most exceptional projects of the LIFE programme's 25-year history. 

In AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technology Centre, we develop solutions for the present and we research to contribute to the progress. We pre-empt the needs of the industry and the society. For that purpose, one of the premises for the success of our project is the sustainable development and the well-being of individuals, an end to which we contribute through the performance of our activity and our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

AIMPLAS’ strategy on CSR is based on the commitment to the Global Compact of the United Nations, to which we have joined. Regarding equality, a plan has been implemented to allow obtaining an equality seal from the Regional Government of Valencia. At the same time, we have implemented a flexibility policy in the work calendar to make possible the conciliation of work and family life and we have developed actions aimed at promoting healthy habits among employees.  For years now, we are committed to social development through its implementation with the support of AIMPLAS Board of Directors.


  • Innovation materials
  • Power-to-X
  • H2 storage
  • H2 production
  • H2 transport

Additional questions

Hydrogen Topic Headings

HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-01-03: Development of innovative technologies for direct seawater electrolysis



R&D Institution

Valencia, Spain

Marketplace (1)