Digital Healthtech Brokerage Event: UK-Estonia & Ireland

16 Oct 2024 | Liverpool, United Kingdom

ServiceUpdated on 30 August 2024

PPIE - Patient Public Involvement & Engagement

Matthew Hodgkinson

Co-founder at Hodgkinson McCambridge

Leeds, United Kingdom


By incorporating patient perspectives into your healthcare innovation projects, you can accelerate development, improve product-market fit, and differentiate your solutions.

PPIE empowers patients to co-create with you, ensuring that your innovations address their real world needs and challenges. This not only enhances patient satisfaction but also strengthens your brand reputation and increases market adoption.

PPIE Consulting and Implementation

  • Patient Engagement Strategy

    • Develop tailored plans to involve patients throughout the healthcare innovation process.
  • PPIE Training

    • Equip your team with the skills to effectively engage patients.
  • PPIE Project Management

    • Oversee PPIE initiatives from concept to implementation.
  • Evaluation and Feedback

    • Measure the impact of PPIE and gather patient insights for continuous improvement.

Patient Advisory Boards

  • Recruitment and Facilitation

    • Establish and manage patient advisory boards for valuable input.
  • Meeting Planning and Coordination

    • Organise productive meetings and workshops.
  • Governance and Ethics

    • Ensure ethical and inclusive practices.

PPIE Research and Evaluation

  • Research Design

    • Develop rigorous research methods to assess PPIE effectiveness.
  • Data Collection and Analysis

    • Collect and analyse data to inform decision-making.
  • Reporting and Dissemination

    • Share findings with stakeholders and promote PPIE best practices.


  • Development
  • Consulting
  • Coaching

Applies to

  • 02007012 - Medical/health software
  • 05001001 - Diagnostic services
  • 05002005 - Other medical imaging
  • 05003001 - Therapeutic services
  • 05004001 - Electromedical and medical equipment
  • 05005018 - Medical Physics, Physiology
  • 05007004 - Monitoring equipment
  • 05007005 - Hospital and other institutional management
  • 05007006 - Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy
  • 05007007 - Other medical/health related (not elsewhere classified)
  • 05010003 - Patient rehabilitation & training
  • 06001005 - Diagnostics, Diagnosis
  • 06001013 - Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
  • 06005002 - Sensors & Wireless products
  • 06005003 - Health information management
  • 06005004 - Remote diagnostics

Similar opportunities

  • Service

    Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) Development

    • Consulting
    • Development
    • 06005004 - Remote diagnostics
    • 05001001 - Diagnostic services
    • 05003001 - Therapeutic services
    • 05007004 - Monitoring equipment
    • 05002005 - Other medical imaging
    • 06001005 - Diagnostics, Diagnosis
    • 02007012 - Medical/health software
    • 05005018 - Medical Physics, Physiology
    • 06005002 - Sensors & Wireless products
    • 06005003 - Health information management
    • 05010003 - Patient rehabilitation & training
    • 05004001 - Electromedical and medical equipment
    • 05007006 - Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy
    • 05007005 - Hospital and other institutional management
    • 06001013 - Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
    • 05007007 - Other medical/health related (not elsewhere classified)

    Matthew Hodgkinson

    Co-founder at Hodgkinson McCambridge

    Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Service

    User Centred Design

    • Consulting
    • 06005004 - Remote diagnostics
    • 05001001 - Diagnostic services
    • 05003001 - Therapeutic services
    • 05007004 - Monitoring equipment
    • 05002005 - Other medical imaging
    • 06001005 - Diagnostics, Diagnosis
    • 02007012 - Medical/health software
    • 05005018 - Medical Physics, Physiology
    • 06005003 - Health information management
    • 05010003 - Patient rehabilitation & training
    • 05004001 - Electromedical and medical equipment
    • 05007006 - Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy
    • 05007005 - Hospital and other institutional management
    • 06001013 - Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
    • 05007007 - Other medical/health related (not elsewhere classified)

    Matthew Hodgkinson

    Co-founder at Hodgkinson McCambridge

    Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Service

    Research Translation

    • Consulting
    • 06005004 - Remote diagnostics
    • 05001001 - Diagnostic services
    • 05003001 - Therapeutic services
    • 05007004 - Monitoring equipment
    • 05002005 - Other medical imaging
    • 06001005 - Diagnostics, Diagnosis
    • 02007012 - Medical/health software
    • 05005018 - Medical Physics, Physiology
    • 06005002 - Sensors & Wireless products
    • 06005003 - Health information management
    • 05010003 - Patient rehabilitation & training
    • 05004001 - Electromedical and medical equipment
    • 05007006 - Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy
    • 05007005 - Hospital and other institutional management
    • 06001013 - Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
    • 05007007 - Other medical/health related (not elsewhere classified)

    Matthew Hodgkinson

    Co-founder at Hodgkinson McCambridge

    Leeds, United Kingdom