Electrosub 2024

7–11 Oct 2024 | Budapest, Hungary

Eszter Nagy

Project manager

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya

Pécs, Hungary

1 profile visitExhibitor

Facilitation of innovation potential and export readiness of SMEs, to develop their business opportunities through EU financed projects.

About me

My organisation

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya (CCIPB) is one of the strongest chambers in Hungary and it is active coordinator of the implementation of the regional economic development strategy, jointly with the university, the city and major companies. Further objectives include the development of human resource capacities in the region, facilitation of innovation potential and export readiness of SMEs, to develop their business opportunities through EU financed projects.

Marketplace (2)