EU-Japan Green Transition

22 Jan – 21 Feb 2025 | Tokyo, Japan


InvestmentUpdated on 22 January 2025

BroadBit Batteries


BroadBit has two product families:

  1) A platform Sodium-Salt battery technology that can be optimized for high energy density (300 Wh/kg) for, e.g., EV applications, high power (5 minute charge/discharge) for, e.g., grid power balancing or high efficiency (97% round trip efficiency) for, e.g. grid energy balancing. BroadBit’s first product is a long duration energy storage (LDES) battery that takes advantage of our low cost (<30$/kWh), high efficiency (>95%), low self discharge (<1%/month), safety (non-flammability), robustness (operating without heating or cooling), scalability (>TWh production) and sustainability (non-toxic ingredients and processes). The resulting batteries are safe to use, transport and store and are cheap and scalable to massive volume for large scale applications.

  2) A family of Li-ion electrolytes, trade named “ProLion”, which dramatically extend the cycle life, operating temperature range, charging speed and safety of a wide range Li-ion batteries (e.g. NMC, LFP, LCO and LMFP). By simply switching from standard electrolytes to BroadBit’s ProLion electrolyte, the cycle life of Li-ion battery can be increase as much as 400%.

  These innovations are protected by over 90 patents worldwide (approximately 60 already granted).

  We are seeing partnerships, pilot projects and 4.5 M€ equity investment in Q1 2025. 3 M€ can be 70% matched by Business Finland or the European Commission to complete our 1st commercial scaling of our electrolyte production. 1.5 M€ will be 70% matched by a European Innovation Fund (EIC) Accelerator grant to complete R&D for our first Sodium-Salt battery product (our LDES battery) and 2M€ will be matched by an EIC equity investment to begin first commercial piloting of our Sodium-Salt battery.

  In Q4 2025, we will seek an additional 9 M€ for further scaling of ProLion electrolyte and for first pilot production of our Sodium-Salt battery. 8 M€ will be equity matched by the EIC.


  • Startup / スタートアップ

Applies to

  • Electric Power/Gas /Oil / 電力・ガス・石油
  • Solar Cells, Electronics, Material 太陽電池・電気工事・電設資材
  • Batteries Manufacturing / 二次電池
  • Chemical Industry / 化学

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