ProductUpdated on 4 February 2025
Recycling solution for recovering silicon from solar modul waste
Circular Silicon develops and markets innovative technologies for recovering silicon from various waste streams in the solar industry, particularly from end-of-life solar panels. The highly energy-efficient process is scalable and adaptable, making it suitable for a wide range of materials. It achieves a purity level of over 95%.
Depending on the level of refinement, the recycled silicon can be used in various industries, including metallurgy, battery production, and the solar sector. This sustainable alternative to conventional silicon is not only cost-effective but also significantly reduces CO₂ emissions.
Looking for
- Research & Development partner / 研究開発パートナー
- Investor / 投資者
- Innovative company to invest in / 革新的な投資先企業
Applies to
- Solar Cells, Electronics, Material 太陽電池・電気工事・電設資材
- Chemical Industry / 化学
- Resource Management and Recycling / 資源循環・リサイクル
Similar opportunities
Seeking Investment to Complete Pilot Line
- Startup / スタートアップ
- Chemical Industry / 化学
- Seed and Development / シードおよび開発
- Resource Management and Recycling / 資源循環・リサイクル
- Solar Cells, Electronics, Material 太陽電池・電気工事・電設資材
- Startup / スタートアップ
- Chemical Industry / 化学
- Batteries Manufacturing / 二次電池
- Electric Power/Gas /Oil / 電力・ガス・石油
- Solar Cells, Electronics, Material 太陽電池・電気工事・電設資材
Solar Water Heating System Universal
- Investor / 投資者
- Research & Development partner / 研究開発パートナー
- Innovative company to invest in / 革新的な投資先企業