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Project Officer
Seascape Belgium
Brussels, Belgium
Contact me with any question about the European Atlas of the Seas. I am responsible for communication and outreach activities related to the Atlas.
Nathalie’s responsibilities within the EMODnet Secretariat include communication, education and outreach activities related to the European Atlas of the Seas. Her work for Seascape Belgium includes facilitation of the EU4Ocean Platform dedicated to ocean literacy and work to connect the OceanICU project on understanding ocean carbon with wider society. Nathalie holds a Master’s degree in bio-engineering and certificates for continuing education courses in water management and communication. Her professional experience is in consulting and science outreach.
My organisation
The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is the European Commission in situ marine data service of the Directorate-General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries funded by the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund. Established in 2009, EMODnet plays a pivotal role as a trusted source of in situ marine environmental and human activities data and data products, serving a diverse user base across various sectors.
EMODnet manages the European Atlas of the Seas (, an initiative of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission that provides a freely accessible, web‐based, interactive tool, available in 24 languages, which delivers a wide variety of map layers derived from data on natural and socio‐economic features in the marine and coastal regions of Europe. Thanks to its catalogue of more than 270 map layers, the European Atlas of the Seas makes it possible for teachers, students, and citizens from all around Europe to explore a wide range of popular marine topics, such as the environment, marine life, nature conservation, sea surface temperature trends, sea level rise, marine litter, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, energy, transport, and much more!
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14:30 - 16:10
Explore the EU4Ocean map to see who the members of the EU4Ocean Coalition are and what they do. Identify partners for your projects!
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