Isabelle PERRET
High-level expert - National coordinator - Integrated Maritime Policy and Sea-Basin Strategies
Ministry for the Sea - Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture (DGAMPA)
Paris, France
In charge of developing the Greater North Sea Basin Initiative setting the framework to enhance cross-sectoral and international cooperation between 9 countries
About me
My organisation
DGAMPA is committed to the sustainable development of maritime activities, as close as possible to users of the sea and coastal territories, by reconciling the different uses in the maritime space and by reaffirming the place of the sea within public policies, while ensuring better protection of resources and the marine environment. DGAMPA covers three domains : sustainable maritime fishing and aquaculture, commercial fleet and seafarers and maritime and coastal spaces.
Speaker sessions (1)
Thursday, 30 May 2024
16:45 - 18:00
WS A-12. Towards global strategic alignment for the EU Blue Economy
Book your seat now! The number of places available is limited. Workshop organized by the EU Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP)