Farmaforum 2024

26 Sept 2024 | Madrid, Spain

ProductUpdated on 20 September 2024

SPRAY MIST with Apple revitalization pluri-actives

Florence SELLIN


Paris, France


Apple contains treasures of cosmetic efficiency.

Apple vegetal water invigorates the skin and infuses oligo-elements and mineral salts. Apple polyphenols fight against oxidative stress responsible for an acceleration of the skin aging.

3 in 1 product :
Envigorates and refreshes the skin
Sets make-up without stickiness.
Perfects cleansing and make-up removal.

Without alcohol.

POMONE Paris creator of the Pomocosmetology :

The power of the apple combined with advanced cosmetic technology. Natural, vegan and free of controversial ingredients formulas for safe and clean beauty. Safety guaranteed by a toxicologist pharmacist.

Perfume :

The sensoriality of this product also comes from its original, addictive fragrance evoking the scent emanating from the cider apple harvest in autumn.

 Presentation :

Skincare product presented in a glass bottle, with screen-printed decor, fine mist pump, cardboard box from sustainably managed forests.

Made in France :

Product designed and manufactured in France with the greatest care. Priority is given to ingredients and packaging of French origin.

Looking for

  • Other

Applies to

  • Cosmetic industry

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