Ingegnere Informatico attualemnte CEO di Revera srl. Ex ricercatore e responsabile del laboratorio di realtà virtuale dell'università degli studo di Siena.
REVERA is a young start-up born from the world university of research in the field of Extended Reality (Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality), with roots methodologies in the fields of psychology of perception and of the Sociology of cultural and communicative processes. REVERA's goal is to bring in the products of scientific and cultural communication and dissemination immersive experiences with an approach to visual quality and narrative currently practiced only in the world of gaming. The experiences that we design arise from analysis and study of the target markets, also with reference to the development of action research processes linked to products and processes of cultural enjoyment and scientific and technological literacy through immersive technologies. The search for perfection in photorealism goes hand in hand the objective of excellence in terms of the proposal artistic narrative of entertainment products, thanks to the involvement of qualified partners in the audiovisual and art production.
Matteo vanta una carriera ricca e diversificata. La sua esperienza accademica include una laurea magistrale in Computer and Automation Engineering presso l'Università di Siena, ottenuta con il massimo dei voti e lode. Matteo ha competenze avanzate in programmazione e tecnologie emergenti come VR e AR, ed ha contribuito significativamente a progetti europei di rilevanza internazionale. Ha conseguito il diploma Fab Academy e ha poi partecipato alla Fab12 Conference ( in Cina. E’ stato per Technical Manager del Fab Lab ospitato dall’Università degli studi di Siena (Santa Chiara Fab Lab) e ha svolto il ruolo di istruttore per la “Fab Academy”, per tre anni (2016-2017-2018). E’ stato per due anni Technical Manager del LabVR, il laboratorio di realtà virtuale dell’Università degli studi di Siena. Ha co-fondato Simula Solutions srl, azienda leader nelle simulazioni VR per il training e la formazione ed è CEO di Revera srl, azienda operante nel settore della VR e del fotorealismo.
REVERA is a young start-up born from the world university of research in the field of Extended Reality (Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality), with roots methodologies in the fields of psychology of perception and of the Sociology of cultural and communicative processes. REVERA's goal is to bring in the products of scientific and cultural communication and dissemination immersive experiences with an approach to visual quality and narrative currently practiced only in the world of gaming. The experiences that we design arise from analysis and study of the target markets, also with reference to the development of action research processes linked to products and processes of cultural enjoyment and scientific and technological literacy through immersive technologies. The search for perfection in photorealism goes hand in hand the objective of excellence in terms of the proposal artistic narrative of entertainment products, thanks to the involvement of qualified partners in the audiovisual and art production.