FOODRUS: Reducing food waste

31 Jan – 1 Feb 2024 | Cordovilla, Spain

Ainhoa Alonso



Bilbao, Spain

10 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker

About me

Ph.D in Chemical Engineering by the University of the Basque Country. After her doctoral thesis she joined the Sustainable Energy Production research unit of Leia CDT Foundation where she worked for two years as main researcher. In November 2009, she continued her research career at Deustotech. From 2011 till 2019 she was the head of the Energy Unit and currently she is the Director of DeustoTech. She coordinated the H2020 Waste4Think project, awarded in 2018 with the Katerwa Awards (in Smart Cities category) and UD-Banco Santander 2019 award and currently she is coordinating the H2020 FoodRUs project focused on food losses and waste reduction.

My organisation

Institute of technology of the Faculty of Engineering of the uNiversity of Deusto.

Additional questions

Are you a FOODRUS partner?


What of the following activities of the food value chain is your company dedicated to?

Waste ManagementHoreca

Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

15:00 - 17:00

Open Doors Workshop - On site

Location:Asociación de la Industria Navarra

Marketplace (1)