FOODRUS: Reducing food waste

31 Jan – 1 Feb 2024 | Cordovilla, Spain

Itziar Gómez

Directora Gerente

GAN-NIK (Gestión Ambiental de Navarra - Nafarroako Ingurumen Kudeaketa)


3 profile visitsSpeakerSpeaker

About me

My organisation

GAN-NIK (Gestión Ambiental de Navarra - Nafarroako Ingurumen Kudeaketa)

Additional questions

Are you a FOODRUS partner?


What of the following activities of the food value chain is your company dedicated to?

OthersWaste ManagementAgriculture

Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

09:15 - 14:00

National Replication Workshop - On site

Location:Asociación de la Industria Navarra