Renewable EnergyTech & Forward Green B2B

13–14 Mar 2025 | Thessaloniki , Greece

Renewable EnergyTech & Forward Green B2B

Circular Economy B2B@FORWARD GREEN

The B2B matchmaking event held on June 8-9, 2023, during the Forward Green (FG) Circular Economy Exhibition, marked a significant milestone in Thessaloniki. Organized by the Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE), a member of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas (EEN), in collaboration with TIF HELEXPO, the event brought together businesses from across Europe to foster cooperation in circular economy and sustainable development.

As the first-ever FG Exhibition hosted in Thessaloniki, the results of the B2B meetings were particularly promising. Over 270 individual business meetings were conducted, with participation from 54 Greek companies and 43 international businesses representing countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Cyprus, and Poland.


On March 8-9, 2024, the Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE), a member of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas (EEN), organized a B2B matchmaking event at Pavilion 15 of the TIF HELEXPO exhibition grounds, as part of the Forward Green Circular Economy Exhibition (FG Expo) and the Renewable EnergyTech (RESTech) exhibition.

The event recorded a total of 453 B2B meetings, including 270 meetings between Greek and international participants, 120 meetings between Greek companies, and 63 meetings between international participants, demonstrating strong interest and collaboration in circular economy and renewable energy solution.