
German-Finnish Joint R&D Projects Matchmaking 2025

How matchmaking works?

Registering to a matchmaking platform is a convenient and efficient way to connect with potential partners for collaboration.
You can describe what you offer and what type of project partner you are looking for, browse other participants and find the match.

The matchmaking is open from 10th March to 9th August 2025. After you have registered, you can request and setup online meetings with potential partners at any time during the period.


Register for the Matchmaking

Register via the Register button on the matchmaking website. Note that you cannot register to the event on the mobile application. Once you are registered, you can login to mobile application, and book and manage your meetings also there.

Create your company profile to showcase who you are and for what are you looking for

Create a clear and concise company profile to raise your visibility on the matchmaking website. Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners, and who you want to meet. A good profile will generate significantly more meeting requests.

The registration is approved by the organisers based on the profile. To make the most out of the platform, please give clear description of your organisation and define what you are looking for and/or what you offer for the potential project partners. This is also a requirement for profile approval.

Browse profiles of attendees

Go to the participant list to find out who you could meet and who has project idea or technology that matches your idea and needs. Use the filters on the right or browse through your AI Profile recommendations in the My Matches section to narrow down your selection and find the most suitable collaboration partners that match your goals and interests. In Marketplace you can browse the requests and offers of the participants.

Send & receive meeting requests and messages

Send meeting requests to those matchmaking participants you want to meet. Send out messages to interesting participants to introduce yourself and initiate conversations to establish connections.

My Schedule and Meetings overview

In My Schedule and Meetings, you have the list of your meetings, who you will meet and when. Note that only the accepted meetings are scheduled to your agenda, and reserved a table in the matchmaking area.

Remember to check that your time zone is correct on the matchmaking platform.

Join the meeting

To join the online meeting, go to Meetings to see your personal meeting agenda. At the time of the meeting, click on the green button "Start Meeting" and the meeting window opens on your Internet browser. An online meeting can be started at any time before its ending time and it will not stop until one of the participants has ended it. 

You do not need any additional software for the online meeting, only an up-to-date browser, a microphone and preferably a webcam. The browser might ask permission to use your computer’s microphone and camera - make sure these permissions are enabled, as you will not hear or see your meeting partner if they are not. 

Note: We suggest that you use the up-to-date version of Edge, Chrome or Firefox. Technical requirements for virtual meetings

During the meeting, you can 

  • share your screen 

  • chat with the other person

  • invite a third person to the meeting

  • end the meeting

Please be on time. If for some reason the meeting partner doesn't join the meeting, send the person a message through the matchmaking system (browser or mobile app) and agree another time to meet.

Rate the meetings

You are asked to rate the meetings you had. You can rate all your past meetings in Meetings, you will also be informed about unrated meetings through Notifications. 

The matchmaking activity is funded by the European Commission and the feedback of your participation is required under this activity. You are asked to notify any collaboration agreements that you reach with other matchmaking participants to the organizer and/or co-organizer. The feedback you provide is handled with strictest confidentiality..

b2match mobile application

The b2match mobile application is available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Note that you cannot register to the event on the mobile application. Once you are registered on the matchmaking website, login to the mobile application and you are able to book and manage your meetings also there, you can also send messages to other matchmaking participants.

See the full b2match participant guide for more instructions.