Alicia Jimenez-Gonzalez

Hed of European Programmes

GRADIANT: Galician Research center in advaned Telecommunications

Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain

65 profile visits

My organisation

Gradiant is a private RTO (research and technology organization) based in Vigo, (Spain). Gradiant was established in 2008 as a non-profit foundation with the goal of improving industrial competitiveness through technology transfer and innovation in the fields of connectivity, intelligence and security. With over 160 professionals and 12 applied patents, Gradiant has developed ca. 300 research, development and innovation projects, becoming one of the main engines of innovation in Galicia. Gradiant has worked with over 230 companies in 25 countries, and its turnover in 2022 reached ca. 8 million euros. Gradiant‘s ICT research and innovation activities spread over a number of fields that include digital communications, intelligent systems, cybersecurity, cloud-based systems, multimodal Information and eHealth, unmanned vehicles, among others, which result in the development of proprietary technologies applicable in a wide variety of market sectors. As of Q4 2023, Gradiant has participated in over 36 EU-funded research and innovation projects from a number of programmes such as FP7 (8 projects, 2 as coordinator), Horizon 2020 (17 projects, 2 as coordinator), Horizon Europe (6 projects, 3 as coordinator), Digital Europe (1 project), ECSEL (2 project) as well as ERA-NETs, INTERREG and others. Gradiant main research and innovation areas are: Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things (IoT) & Embedded Systems Cybersecurity and Privacy Communication systems & Signal Processing Video Analysis Unmanned vehicles (aerial, terrestrial, underwater) Quantum technologies Photonics Natural Language Processing At European level, Gradiant is a founding member of the European Cybser Security Organisation (ECSO) and the Alliance of Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI), and is a member of the 6G Infrastructure Association (6G IA), the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) and the European Technology Platforms NetWorld2020, NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative) and NEM (Networked and Electronic Media Initiative). At national level, Gradiant is a member of Spain’s AEI-Ciberseguridad (Innovative Business Association for Network Security and Information Systems) and chair of the board of RENIC (National Excellence Network for the Research on Cybersecurity). Gradiant is a founding member of the DIH DATAlife (Galician DIH focused on bioeconomy sectors such as agrifood, seafood, forestry, health and biotech).
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About me

My organisation

GRADIANT: Galician Research center in advaned Telecommunications

Gradiant is a private RTO (research and technology organization) based in Vigo, (Spain). Gradiant was established in 2008 as a non-profit foundation with the goal of improving industrial competitiveness through technology transfer and innovation in the fields of connectivity, intelligence and security. With over 160 professionals and 12 applied patents, Gradiant has developed ca. 300 research, development and innovation projects, becoming one of the main engines of innovation in Galicia. Gradiant has worked with over 230 companies in 25 countries, and its turnover in 2022 reached ca. 8 million euros. Gradiant‘s ICT research and innovation activities spread over a number of fields that include digital communications, intelligent systems, cybersecurity, cloud-based systems, multimodal Information and eHealth, unmanned vehicles, among others, which result in the development of proprietary technologies applicable in a wide variety of market sectors. As of Q4 2022, Gradiant has participated in over 36 EU-funded research and innovation projects from a number of programmes such as FP7 (8 projects, 2 as coordinator), Horizon 2020 (17 projects, 2 as coordinator), Horizon Europe (4 projects, 1 as coordinator), Digital Europe (1 project), ECSEL (2 project) as well as ERA-NETs, INTERREG and others. Gradiant main research and innovation areas are: Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things (IoT) & Embedded Systems Cybersecurity and Privacy Communication systems & Signal Processing Video Analysis Unmanned vehicles (aerial, terrestrial, underwater) Quantum technologies Photonics Natural Language Processing At European level, Gradiant is a founding member of the European Cybser Security Organisation (ECSO) and the Alliance of Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI), and is a member of the 6G Infrastructure Association (6G IA), the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) and the European Technology Platforms NetWorld2020, NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative) and NEM (Networked and Electronic Media Initiative). At national level, Gradiant is a member of Spain’s AEI-Ciberseguridad (Innovative Business Association for Network Security and Information Systems) and chair of the board of RENIC (National Excellence Network for the Research on Cybersecurity). Gradiant is a founding member of the DIH DATAlife (Galician DIH focused on bioeconomy sectors such as agrifood, seafood, forestry, health and biotech).

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Call topics of interest

HORIZON-CL3-2024-DRS-01-03: Harmonised / Standard protocols for the implementation of alert and impact forecasting systems as well as transnational emergency management in the areas of high-impact weather / climatic and geological disastersHORIZON-CL3-2024-DRS-01-02: Open TopicHORIZON-CL3-2024-DRS-01-01: Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of chemical, biological and radiological threats to agricultural production, feed and food processing, distribution and consumptionHORIZON-CL3-2024-CS-01-02: Post-quantum cryptography transitionHORIZON-CL3-2024-CS-01-01: Approaches and tools for security in software and hardware development and assessmentHORIZON-CL3-2024-INFRA-01-03: Advanced real-time data analysis used for infrastructure resilienceHORIZON-CL3-2024-INFRA-01-01: Open TopicHORIZON-CL3-2024-BM-01-05: Detection and tracking of illegal and trafficked goodsHORIZON-CL3-2024-BM-01-04: Integrated risk-based border control that mitigates public security risk, reduces false positives and strengthens privacyHORIZON-CL3-2024-BM-01-03: Advanced user-friendly, compatible, secure identity and travel document managementHORIZON-CL3-2024-BM-01-02: Interoperability for border and maritime surveillance and situational awarenessHORIZON-CL3-2024-BM-01-01: Open TopicHORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-08: Tracing of cryptocurrencies transactions related to criminal purposesHORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-06: Open TopicHORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-05: Combating hate speech online and offlineHORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-04: Radicalisation and genderHORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-03: Lawful evidence collection in online child sexual abuse investigations, including undercoverHORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-02: Open topicHORIZON-CL3-2024-FCT-01-01: Mitigating new threats and adapting investigation strategies in the era of Internet of Things

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