Lightweight and Economical Plastic Scanner PReader plaSCAN
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Suwon City, Gyeonggi, South Korea
‘Our failure means that just about anyone else will’ Repla aims to bring about industrialization of plastic-degrading bacteria.
Identified Issues
Items like toothbrushes and aerosols, which feature complex structures composed of multiple materials, pose significant separation challenges during waste management.
In the next beverage product, four distinct materials - PET, HDPE, PP, and PS are employed. The difficulty arises particularly with the outer and inner caps, constructed from PP and HDPE respectively, as they are tightly bonded, complicating the separation process.
The Mechanism of Biotank
The REPLA microorganism does not consume one specific plastic material while decomposing all other plastic materials.
Customer Benefits from Introducing the REPLA Biotank
Now status Purity: 95 – 98%
After treated Bio-tank Purity: Upper 99.7%
1.5x difference in sales = 37.5 Billion Won/year (Based on annual 10,950 tons of handling)
My organisation
Lightweight and Economical Plastic Scanner PReader plaSCAN
creates accurate data sheet about the quality of targeted plastic flakes, allowing efficient and effective management of the production line
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