Anwar Almojarkesh

CEO & Founder

Innovation Factory Limited

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom


CEO & Founder of SensoRail & Innovation Factory Limited, In the years that his company has existed, Anwar Almojarkesh has put out a lot of innovative inventions to make life simpler and comfortable for users. A few years ago, Anwar invented a sound classification algorithm for detecting a wide range of sounds in different industries — healthcare where it has helped in ultrasound scans, safety, and security where it is being used in the construction of alarms and bells, in care homes and the transportation industry as well. Also among his inventions is one that is being used in some institutions in the healthcare sector in the UK, diagnosing irregularities in the human body system such as irregular heartbeat, broken or problematic joints and cartilage, difficulties with breathing due to lung disturbances, coughing, sneezing and vomiting. He also expended his knowledge and skill to design algorithms for the transportation industry, working with Network Rail and HS2 in the UK in a project designed to detect an early failure in railway. He firmly believes that this will drastically reduce the occurrence of railway accidents in the country. Anwar has also invented different algorithms and methods based on smartphones, and embedded systems that use advanced acoustic technology to detect and analyze abnormal sounds in real time, having the advantage of working completely offline.

Anwar Almojarkesh currently works with healthcare providers, city councils and universities in the UK to replace old assistive technologies with his artificial intelligent sound technologies. This was after Anwar developed the sound classification algorithm to detect important sounds such as smoke alarm sounds, doorbell, microwave beeps, baby crying and more — to alert the deaf, and people with hearing loss. It is also being used in sleep clinics to detect snoring sounds and types. In the nearest future, he hopes to design algorithms that work in every industry in the world, helping people achieve comfort, even before they can think about being uncomfortable.

My organisation

Innovation Factory Limited

We have two products for railway sector:

  1. Deer Deterrence System (ADDS)

We have developed a low-cost, battery-powered deer deterrence system using AI-based sound and motion detection. The system is designed to activate upon detecting deer presence, emitting a combination of ultrasonic sounds and visual deterrents, such as flashing lights. These features can be tailored with varying intensity, frequency, and patterns to scare away deer without causing harm. The system can be strategically deployed in large open spaces or agricultural fields, providing a long-term, maintenance-free solution to protect crops, property, and roads.

  1. Automated Graffiti Deterrence System (AGDS)

We have developed a low-cost battery-powered graffiti detection sensor that uses AI acoustic algorithms to detect graffiti spray sounds on any surface to alert authorities and trigger multiple alarms sirens and flashing lights with different loudness/intensity, frequencies and patterns. The sensors are able to assess the behavioural response of the intruder to the different alarm combinations to effectively expel them from the area.

Social media


  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • AI in Specific Domains
  • AI Research and Development
  • Data engineering
  • AI Product Management
  • Human-AI Interaction
  • Startups & Innovation in AI


Innovation Factory Limited

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom