Gareth Evans

Head of Rail Technology

Network Rail

Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

16 profile visitsSpeaker

I lead on NR's RD&I strategy and priorities, building partnerships across NR, govt, academia and supply chain to deliver technology-based business change.

About me

Gareth is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Permanent Way Institution.

Before joining Network Rail Gareth spent 14 years in the steel industry, manufacturing railway products and delivering technology and asset management projects for heavy and light rail clients. After joining Network Rail in 2009 Gareth held several roles in the central Track team, including as Head of Track between 2016 and 2022. Now Head of Rail Technology, he led the NR CP7 research, development and innovation submission and has moved on to delivering the RD&I business plan. His role involves extensive stakeholder engagement across NR and with external organisations – all with the aim of connecting colleagues who have an RD&I need with the expertise and funding to develop a solution.

My organisation

Network Rail owns, develops and repairs the mainline railway infrastructure in England, Scotland and Wales, on behalf of the UK government. We are responsible for the inspection, maintenance and renewal of assets. We also manage the 20 largest stations. Our role is to run a safe, reliable and efficient railway, serving our customers and communities.

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  • Partnership

    Research and innovation with Network Rail

    Network Rail is exploring partnership opportunities with organisations who can help us deliver our priority research and innovation projects

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    • Development

    Gareth Evans

    Head of Rail Technology at Network Rail

    Milton Keynes, United Kingdom