
Marjanneke Vijge

Associate Professor

Utrecht University

Utrecht, Netherlands

4 profile visitsResearcher

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Utrecht University

Utrecht University


Utrecht, Netherlands

About me

Dr. Marjanneke Vijge is Associate Professor of Sustainability Governance in the Developing World and Academic Director of CHARM-EU, a European Universities Alliance. Her current research focuses on policy coherence around the Sustainable Development Goals and climate goals. She analyses the consequences for social justice, among others in the fields of climate and food security. Dr. Vijge also studies transdisciplinary research approaches and public engagement policies and practices. She (co-)acquired 15 research grants from various funders and has extensive local field work experience in South Africa, Kenya, India, Myanmar, and Indonesia.

Most relevant for this call is the NWO-NRF water-energy-food nexus project in South Africa that Dr. Vijge leads with 4 universities and 2 NGOs. It focuses on social justice around water-energy-food interlinkages and legal frameworks in South Africa (Apr 2021-Dec 2024). Together with Ecochamps (community champions) who are hired by a local NGO, the research team conducted 1,500 household surveys. The Ecochamps now use the findings to raise awareness among communities and adapt local (traditional) governance strategies.

My organisation

Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University

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