
Raquel Matavele Chissumba

Director General

Center for Research and Develompment in Ethnobotany (CIDE)

Maputo, Mozambique

2 profile visitsResearcher

Ethno-Immuno-Biologist at Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Etnobotânica

About me

I have been working as biomedical scientist since 2007. The scope of experience cover aspects related to prevention, risk factors, diagnosis, monitoring, evaluation, including future HIV-1 vaccination. My post-graduation experience was focused on understand haematological, biochemical, immunological and microbial factors that can be future target for diagnosis, development of therapeutics or prophylactics approaches for infectious and non- infectious diseases including STIs, COVID-19 and hematological cancers. Currently I am leading several projects including one aiming to establish the national repository of the toxicity profile of native plants used for medicinal purposes in Mozambique, including those used as source of nutrients.

My organisation

Center for Research and Develompment in Ethnobotany (CIDE)

CIDE is a public institution under the tutelage of the Ministry of Science Technology and Higher Education in Mozambique, focused on MCTES who develop scientific investigation, technological development and production based on plants.

Social media


  • Immunology
  • Ethnobotany
  • infectious diseases
  • nutraceuticals
  • cancer