Life Science 2025 Call – Precision Medicine

3 Mar – 6 May 2025 | Vienna, Austria


3 March 2025 - 6 May 2025

Vienna, Austria

Life Science 2025 Call – Precision Medicine

  1. Register on the platform

    Register via the Register button.

  2. Create your profile to showcase who you are and for what are you looking for

    Create a clear and concise profile to raise your visibility on the platform. Your profile should describe your research expertise and interests, the research questions you wish to pursue, and the research areas in which you are seeking complementary expertise. You can also provide a link to your research website. A good networking profile will generate significantly more contacts.

  3. Browse profiles

    Go to the participants list to find out who else is interested in potential collaborations in this funding call. Use the filters on the right to focus on the fields of most interest for you.

  4. Send & receive meeting requests and messages

    Browse participant profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to schedule an online meeting. Send out messages to interesting participants to introduce yourself and initiate conversations.

  5. My schedule and meetings overview

    Access your meetings in My Schedule or Meetings, where you have the complete schedule for your online meetings. Check your camera and microphone before joining, and don't be late!

Happy matchmaking!