We re developing the next stage of XR-Plattform for Museums to be prepared for their extension in the Metaverse.
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
We make time travel possible. Immersive access to the historical knowledge of mankind.
Peter Langer - CEO
Dipl. Industrial Designer, Creative Director, Visionary.
Inspired by the stories of his grandfather, Peter wants to realize his vision of virtual time travel. Therefore he and Benedikt found the HiXR in 2018. The native of Munich lives since 1989 in Berlin. Based on many years of experience his studiolanger holds expertise in the fields of corporate architecture, exhibition design and 3D visualization and has been working successfully for agencies and international clients.
My organisation
We re developing the next stage of XR-Plattform for Museums to be prepared for their extension in the Metaverse.
We are searching for Investors for our MUSEUM METAVERSE
Museums are digitalizing their artifacts but have no ways to present their treasures. That's what we are developing.