Match4Health 2024

20–21 Sept 2024 | Larissa, Greece

20 September 2024 - 21 September 2024

41336 Larissa, Greece

Valtetsiou & Tripoleos

JOIST Innovation Park

Match4Health 2024

Virtual Matchmaking Events

Attending a matchmaking event offers a convenient and efficient method to connect with potential partners for collaboration.

30 minutes run fast, but they are crucial for building initial connections as they provide a targeted way to meet potential collaboration partners, allowing participants to quickly evaluate each other's interests and expertise, and identify common goals and synergies.

1. Online registration

Click on the Register Now button and create a clear and concise profile to raise your visibility on the b2match platform. A good networking profile will generate significantly more meeting requests.

Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners, and who you want to meet.

I. Your profile should be:

  • Be written in English, in a clear and relevant to the event approach.

  • Include your contact details and a picture

  • Present your availability and the time slots you can allocate for Brokerage Event meetings.

  • Include at least one item in the Marketplace section.

Profiles with no availability for bilateral meetings and/or no marketplace items won't be visible, neither validated.

II. Booking bilateral meetings

  • Browse participant profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet during the event.

  • Filter cooperation profiles and find the ones aligned with your goals.

  • Accept/reject the meetings you are asked for.

III. Your schedule

  • Access your meetings in My Schedule or Meetings, where you have your complete schedule for the event, as well as the list of your meetings.

IV. At the event

  • Check the latest version of your meeting schedule through the platform.

  • Be at the Brokerage Event location 5 minutes before your meeting.

  • If an unforeseen circumstance comes up and you will not attend a meeting, please cancel your meetings through the platform. In this way, the other participant will get a notification.

Our staff will be at your disposal during the matchmaking event.

Happy matchmaking!