Match4Health 2024

20–21 Sept 2024 | Larissa, Greece

It's Alive

Start-up, Greece
2 profile visits


At It's Alive, we operate Greece's only Fresh Spirulina Biotechnology Lab, specializing in urban agriculture within closed photobioreactors. This advanced approach allows us to cultivate fresh spirulina in a controlled environment, ensuring the highest quality and purity.

In addition to our fresh spirulina, we have pioneered a novel method for extracting analytical grade, fresh C-phycocyanin. This potent compound is essential in tumor fluorescence microscopy and is increasingly used in innovative cancer treatments such as photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT). Our lab is equipped to supply fresh, active C-phycocyanin, perfectly suited for cutting-edge research in these areas.

Social media

Areas of Activity

Women’s health & FemTech


George Lignos

CEO - Founder

It's Alive

Marketplace (1)

  • Product

    Fresh, active, analytical grade C-Phycocyanin

    High-purity C-Phycocyanin is bioactive pigment-protein complex extracted from spirulina.

    • ICT
    • Importer
    • Publisher
    • Wholesaler
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Distribution Partner
    • Biotech and Lifescience
    • Digital Health - Microtechnology

    George Lignos

    CEO - Founder at It's Alive

    Athens, Greece