Exploitation and circular economy Partner
The Strane Innovation Group’s is specialize in circular economy applied to industry via industrial symbiosis.
- Destination 02: Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition
Company (SME)
www.strane-innovation.comGif sur Yvette, FranceThe Strane Innovation Group’s mission is to create, develop and market virtuous innovations for the environment and society. As a not-for-profit company, Strane Innovation aims to have an impact on the world.
We specialise in 4 areas of sustainable development:
✓ the circular economy applied to industry
✓ preservation of water resources and flood prevention
✓ sustainable agriculture and the preservation of
✓ social innovation and cognitive sciences
We participate in EU projects typically as WP Leader for Exploitation and Business research. Strane can create a powerful impact by creating project spinoffs. Strane works also on business and value chain issues in complement to the technical activities in the consortium to ensure a maximum project impact.
Destination 02: Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition
Destination 03: Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply
Exploitation and circular economy Partner
The Strane Innovation Group’s is specialize in circular economy applied to industry via industrial symbiosis.