Micro & Nano Event 2024

26–30 Sept 2024 | Besançon, France

Stéphane Biwersi


Esile Consulting

Frambouhans, France

19 profile visits

Je suis spécialisé en stratégie de l'innovation et en développement commercial international. J'aide les entreprises à valoriser au mieux leurs innovations.

My organisation

Esile Consulting

Esile Consulting

Small and medium size Enterprise (SME)

Frambouhans, France

Consultancy in innovation strategy

About me

After an engineering degree and a PhD, I have spent nearly 25 years in the development and valorization of Industrial Property.

Before becoming an independent consultant by mid-2022, I have occupied various positions in a French innovative SME active in the field of electromagnetism and mechatronics and been its Director during 12 years.

This especially led me to promote innovative technical solutions worldwide (Western Europe, Northern America, Japan, South Korea, India, China...). This resulted in the negotiation and conclusion of several tens of license agreements with major accounts in the automotive industry and various other industrial sectors.

I also had to manage pre-development, development, marketing, sales and IP teams while setting-up and deploying mid/long term strategies.

I also remained deeply implied on the technical side and have been the inventor or co-inventor of more than 10 granted patents extended worldwide.

Besides these achievements and the related expertise, I have also developed a consequent network that I am constantly developing and valuing to connect my customers with the right partners.

My organisation

Esile Consulting supports companies and start-ups to make the most value of their innovations by setting up the most appropriate market approach strategy and organizing themselves accordingly.

Social media

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