MIRABILIA Food&Drink2023

16–17 Oct 2023 | Hotel CARASCO, Lipari (ME), Italy

ProductUpdated on 21 September 2023

Olive candied

Andrea Picchi

Socio at PachinEat

Pachino, Italy


Our candied olives maintain their pleasantness, the rich intense aroma, persistent and happily dissonant alternating the sweet of the candying to the natural bitter and savory note. They harmonize well, but at the same time enhance and contrast, the flavor of cheeses, the tastyness of meat and game, the softness of a risotto with aged cheeses, the flavor of a cod. Also perfect for the preparation of panettone, doves, sweets in general, chocolates, dragée, they are wonderful next to chocolate, ice cream, custard, to fill cakes, pastries, leavened products, pies. The syrup can be used as a sweetener for both cool and hot drinks. Excellent to taste as tasty candies also accompanied by a liqueur or a good wine.

Applies to

  • fruit and vegetables
  • confectionery
  • snack
  • Ice cream
  • Jams

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