BlueMissionBANOS Arena 3

26–27 Nov 2024 | Amsterdam, Netherlands


Mauro Cordella

Policy officer

DG ENV, European Commission

Brussels, Belgium

1 profile visitSpeaker

About me

My organisation

DG ENV, European Commission

DG ENV, the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission, works with stakeholders to develop and implement policies that promote circular economy and environmental sustainability, combat climate change, and preserve biodiversity.

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Speaker sessions (1)

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

11:15 - 13:00

LCA in the blue bioeconomy: ecosystem services and carrying capacity

Location:Hall 3
  • Blue Bio Resources

This workshop will address harmonizing methods, stakeholder engagement, and insights on ecosystem service modelling for algae systems, along with LCAs' role in green claims under the Green Claims Directive.