Rosa Mosquera-Losada
Full professor
University of Santiago de Compostela
Lugo, Spain
I am Rosa Mosquera-Losada, Full Profesor at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
My organisation
About me
María Rosa Mosquera Losada is a Distinguished Professor and Coordinator of the Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Agricultural and Forestry Research at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), with a research focus on: i) productivity to increase and diversify agricultural income, ii) environment (climate change adaptation and mitigation (soil carbon sequestration, LCA)), iii) nutrient re-cycling (circular economy and bioeconomy), iv) biodiversity (autochthonous animal breeds (cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, goats), flora biodiversity) and v) social (culture) aspects. Recently, María Rosa Mosquera-Losada has developed a strong focus on innovation linked to multi-actor approach and knowledge inventory as well as policy at local, regional, national and international level. The relevance of these research topics is mainly due to these topics are about hot spot research issues which are in line with the recent EU strategies (Farm to Fork, Green Deal, Climate change and Biodiversity strategies, Circular Economy, Bioeconomy…) thus increasing the scientific knowledge at high level. The results of her scientific career were mainly communicated through over 100 Q1 and Q2 JCRE scientific papers (45 SCI publications in the last 10 years), divulgation materials (e.g. AFINET handbook, demonstration plots), communications in conferences and congress (100 in the last 10 years), books (e.g. Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management (CAB International), Agroforestry in Europe-Current Status and Future Prospects (Springer),
Agroforestry for sustainable agriculture (Francis Dodds)) and extension teaching. María Rosa Mosquera Losada has participated in several national and international projects (AGFORWARD, AFINET, OPEN2PRESERVE, EURAKNOS, EUREKA, GOGRASS,
UNDERTREES, AE4EU, UNDERTREES, GOOD, FORADVISE, DIGI-RANGELAND LIFE-VAIA, LIFE-SILFORE, OPER8, FOREST4EU, SUS-SOIL), being the coordinator of the thematic network AFINET and AF4EU AND SUS-SOIL. AFINET and AF4EU is the unique agroforestry thematic network funded by the European Commission to foster knowledge exchange between scientists and practitioners on agroforestry. Moreover, María Rosa Mosquera Losada has had several contracts with the Regional Administration leading silvopasture innovation implementation in real farms with horses, pigs, sheep and cows, but also silvoarable (medicinal plants and maize combined with trees). She has already established an agroforestry network in Galicia with more than 200 members with different profiles (researchers, policy makers, advisers, farmers...) using multicipatory approach techniques. SUS-SOIL aims at developing a methodology to pay for soil carbon sequestration. At international level, María Rosa Mosquera Losada is leading an agreement with the FAO, co-chairing the Croplands Research Working Group of the Global Research Alliance (GRA), an organism official observer of the IPCC, that involves the networks of agroforestry systems, conservation agriculture, integrated crop-livestock systems, irrigation efficiency, landscape management of agricultural systems, nutrient management, and peatland management. She is also connected with the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (FAO), co-chairing the “Enabling Environment Working Group” and with the SCAR AKIS working group. Moreover, she was the President of the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) from 2012 to 2018. Regarding the training of young researchers, María Rosa Mosquera Losada has supervised 12 PhD thesis in the last 10 years defended with Summa cum laude from which SCI papers were published in JCR journals. Most of these researchers are currently working in highly prestigious research centers. She also organized several scientific events such as the IV European Agroforestry Conference, the European Seminar as well as many activities of knowledge exchange with the North of Africa and Asia (seminars and workshops with 3-week tours for Agriculture and Foresters technicians of Tunisia, Morocco, Argelie, Mauritanie, Palestine…). She is also associate editor of the best JCR journal about agroforestry (Agroforestry Systems), the Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, the Frontiers of Agroecology Journal and the EURAF and GRA newsletters. María Rosa Mosquera Losada is also evaluator of researchers and projects at national and international level.
My organisation
The University of Santiago de Compostela - USC (Galician: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - USC, Spanish: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - USC) is a public university located in the city of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. A second campus is located in Lugo, Galicia. It is one of the world's oldest universities in continuous operation.
The university traces its roots back to 1495, when a school was opened in Santiago. In 1504, Pope Julius II approved the foundation of a university in Santiago but "the bull for its creation was not granted by Clement VII until 1526". In 1555 the institute began to separate itself from strictly religious instruction with the help of Cardinal Juan Álvarez de Toledo and started to work towards developing other academic fields, including the emerging science fields.
Today the university's facilities cover more than 130 hectares (320 acres). In terms of human resources, the university has more than 2,000 teachers involved in study and research, over 42,000 students, and more than 1,000 people working in administration and services. Moreover, in 2009, the university received the accreditation of Campus of International Excellence by the Ministry of Education, recognising USC as one of the most prestigious universities in Spain.
The university ranks 5th in Spain's best universities ranking by Complutense University of Madrid and IAIF and 4th amongst public universities.
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