Aiming to enhance participation of children in qualitative and quantitative research processes to ensure children's rights and advance sustainability goals.
Research into children, young people and families
at the interface between science, politics and professional practice
The German Youth Institute (DJI) is one of the biggest social science research institutes in Europe. For 60 years it has conducted research into the life situations of children, young people and families, advising national government, the German federal states and local authorities and providing key stimuli for professional practice.
Founded in 1963, the governing body of the institute is a non-profit association with members from the fields of politics, science and federations as well as child, youth and family welfare institutions.
The institute is mainly funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and to a lesser extent by the federal states of Germany. Additional project funding is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as well as by foundations, the European Commission and science funding institutions.
Since June 2014: Senior Research Scientist and Deputy Head of Department "Living Conditions and Life Worlds of Children" at the German Youth Institute (DJI)
2012–2014: Senior Research Scientist for the project "Evaluation of the Federal Program 'Elternchance ist Kinderchance'" in the Family and Family Policy Department at DJI
2009–2012: Acting Professor in Applied Statistics (Faculty of Paedagogy and Faculty of Sports Sciences / University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
2006–2009: Research Associate /of. Dr. Tarnai (Faculty of Paedagogy / Social Science Methodology, UniBWM) and before Prof. Dr. B. Schäffer (Faculty of Paedagogy / Adult Education and Continuing Education, UniBWM)
2003–2005: Research Assistant /Prof. Dr. A. Krapp (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, UniBWM)
2004–2009: Working in a cross-national study-project with LMU Munich (Prof. Dr. S. Walper) and the Catholic University of Milan (Prof. Scabini
2_005–2006_: Job in the Field of Museum Pedagogy (Deutsches Museum München)
2_007–2012_: Ph.D. in Pedagogy at LMU Munich
2000–2006: Magister Degree in Education at LMU Munich
Research into children, young people and families
at the interface between science, politics and professional practice
The German Youth Institute (DJI) is one of the biggest social science research institutes in Europe. For 60 years it has conducted research into the life situations of children, young people and families, advising national government, the German federal states and local authorities and providing key stimuli for professional practice.
Founded in 1963, the governing body of the institute is a non-profit association with members from the fields of politics, science and federations as well as child, youth and family welfare institutions.
The institute is mainly funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and to a lesser extent by the federal states of Germany. Additional project funding is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as well as by foundations, the European Commission and science funding institutions.
Social media
social science
qualitative research
quantitative research
childhood research
participatory research
project management
research design
preseantation skills
grant writing
Critical Evaluation
Enhancing Participatory Research
Sustainability and Research
international collaboration
interdisciplinary research
Future oriented research
Cross-Cultural and Comparative Research
Children’s Rights in Research
Children’s Rights
Collaborative Development of New Research Projects