
sitex45.comBUCHAREST, Romania
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SITEX 45 SRL is an Romanian SME with R&D activity, industry oriented, located on MINATEC-RO / Scientific and Technological Park for Micro and Nanotechnology Bucharest deeply involved since 1992 in a wider range of activities like: (i) R&D prototyping and manufacturing of microelectronics and optoelectronics devices, photonic devices, sensors and sensors arrays, actuators and transducers, microsystems as MEMS & MOEMS for Chemical and environmental monitoring, acoustic, optical and biomedical sensors; (ii) R&D of micro & nanotechnologies applications for; new materials processing and development of innovative products by unconventional technologies applications; (iii) Design and engineering, prototyping and micro-production for sensors and microsystems by new materials applications including nanostructured, biocompatible and multifunctional thin films; (iv) Smart systems integration applications for analytical analysis and monitoring of environment ,medical and biomedical ,metrological instrumentation. (v) Wireless System Networks WSN for health and structural health, conditions monitoring; (vi) RFIDs and Internet of Things (IOT) systems, RFID products, smart cards and tags. Partner a/o coordination for R&D projects (i)National programs :MATNANTECH (New materials, micro and nanotechnologies), CEEX (Research of Excellence ) , National R&D Programs PNII/Innovation and Partnerships (2007-2013) and PNII(2014-2020) and PNIII(2021-2027) (ii) European programs/projects : FP5, FP6, FP7,,H2020, Marie Curie, MNT-ERA NET,M-ERA-NET, MANUNET, Σureka / Eurostar. Manunet, Euronanomed, Marie Curie and more recently, FP7 successfully closed (MEMSCON, COMPOLIGHT and most recently MOSYCOUSIS, FP7, project INSTANT/FP7 and SENSGLASS / MNT-ERA-NET with other three projects under MANUNET Program also as OLIDIGRAPH/ MANUNET CUSTOM- ICRS/MANUNET/2015, NOVAGLASS/MANUNET 2015 and ROBOGRIP/2015. Actually SITEX 45 was also involved as partner of three successfully closed projects under H2020 Program Marie Curie like TROPSENSE/RISE- H2020/2014,NANOGENTOOLS/ RISE-H2020/2015 and bTB Test-H2020/2017 otherwise on going PULSECOM H2020 2019 a SITEX 45 Team was also previously involved into other programs like M-ERA.NET project MAGPHOGLAS /Transnational Call 2015 and EURIPIDE/ ΣUREKA 2015 „SI & SIGE based generic technological platform for robust, reliable & cost effective novel functional nanoelectronic modules” – POWERTEC . SITEX. is affiliated at RMP; Photonics 21, 4M Multi Material Micro Manufacture , Photonics, 21, BioNanoNet BNN as well as member of more specialized European platforms like Nanomedicine, EPoSS (European Platform for Smart Systems Integration ) , Nanofutures, Manufuture ( ) ,CLINAM , Photonics 21 and RTP as well as Associations as EUMA ,EuRAD,4M(Multi Materials Micro Manufacture) NoE and 4M2020! Association , AMA/German Ass for Sensors Technologies and AMAA, GUS e.V (German Ass for Environment Simulation),SPIE ,ETPN ,The European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) and ICCCS (International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies ) and SEMI Standards Committees Voting member since 2000 and joined to BioNanoNet (BNN) and OE-A (Organic Electronics Ass.). It was for 6 years IAB (Industrial Advisory Board ) member for 4M NoE 2004/2009 coordinated by Cardiff University and since 2010 of 4M2020 & 4M Association coordinated by Birmingham University (UK) ,

Scientific Panel

Information Science and Engineering (ENG)Environmental and Geosciences (ENV)Life Sciences (LIF)



R&D Director


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