OPD2024 Matchmaking

29 May – 5 Jun 2024 | Helsinki, Finland

Peter Ekart

Senior Project Manager

Regional Development Agency Podravje - Maribor

Maribor, Slovenia

1 profile visit

My fields are internationalization of SMEs & developing and managing EU projects.


My organisation

Regional Development Agency Podravje - Maribor


RDA Podravje-Maribor is a public non-profit institution owned by 6 municipalities. It employs 36 experts with different professions and is responsible for the coordination of regional development activities in the Podravska region, Slovenia. Beside the regional development it has experience in:
- development of clusters & networks,
- internationalization of SMEs,
- inward investment activities,
- supporting young entrepreneurs / start-ups,
- tourism development,
- development of creative industries,
- development of rural areas.

Since 2000 the agency is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network where its main activity is internationalization of SMEs.

Social media

Additional questions

What kind of partners are you looking for?

Supporting institutions & SMEs.

I am active in



Value Chain

Business Development

Marketplace (3)

  • Service

    Cooperation in EU projects

    Cooperation in EU projects

    • Other
    • Other
    • Consulting
    • Renewable Energies
    • Agriculture & Food
    • Automotive & Mobility
    • Research & Development
    • Digital Infrastructure
    • Industry 5.0 & Manufacturing

    Peter Ekart

    Senior Project Manager at Regional Development Agency Podravje - Maribor

    Maribor, Slovenia

  • Service

    Support to SMEs

    Support to SMEs

    • Other
    • Other
    • Consulting
    • Renewable Energies
    • Agriculture & Food
    • Automotive & Mobility
    • Research & Development
    • Digital Infrastructure
    • High Performance Computing
    • Industry 5.0 & Manufacturing

    Peter Ekart

    Senior Project Manager at Regional Development Agency Podravje - Maribor

    Maribor, Slovenia