Open4Business International B2B Matchmaking 2024

18–19 Apr 2024 | Pécs, Hungary

18 April 2024 - 19 April 2024

Pécs, Hungary


Open4Business International B2B Matchmaking 2024

Attending a matchmaking event offers a convenient and efficient method to connect with potential partners for collaboration.

20 minutes run fast, but they are crucial for building initial connections as they provide a targeted way to meet potential collaboration partners, allowing participants to quickly evaluate each other's interests and expertise, and identify common goals and synergies.

The b2b meetings' language is English, or based on the preference of the partners' working language.

  1. Register for the event

    Register via the Register button (in English).

  2. Create your profile to showcase who you are and for what are you looking for

    Create a clear and concise profile to raise your visibility on the b2match platform.

    Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners, and who you want to meet. Don’t forget to add a pitch, biography, your skills and interests to your profile. A good networking profile will generate significantly more meeting requests. The descriptions should be min. 500 characters / 5 sentences and is recommended to upload both company logo and a picture of yourself.

  3. Marketplace items

    Add at least 1 business proposal to your profile! (Product, Service, Partnership, Investment Opportunity, etc.)

    Each marketplace proposal's description should be min. 300 characters and it always an advantage if you can upload a picture or a video to go with it!

    You can add unlimited number of business proposals to your company profile.

  4. Browse profiles of attendees

    Go to the participants list to find out who you could meet at the event and who is offering interesting and promising business opportunities. Use the filters on the right or browse through your AI Profile recommendations in the My Matches section to narrow down your selection and find the most suitable collaboration partners that match your goals and interests. This allows you to maximize your chances of making valuable connections and achieving successful outcomes at the event.

  5. Send & receive meeting requests and messages

    Browse participant profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet during the event. Send out messages to interesting participants to introduce yourself and initiate conversations even before the event to establish stronger connections.

  6. My schedule and meetings overview

    Access your meetings in My Schedule or Meetings, where you have your complete schedule for the event, as well as the list of your meetings. Please, always check the number of your table and be on time for your pre-booked meetings!

Happy matchmaking!