
7 May 2025 - 30 May 2025

Partnerships for Horizon Europe: ideas for Smart Communities projects - 7th edition

Welcome to Partnerships for Horizon Europe (P4HEU)!

Presentation of ideas and competences for project proposals, inspiring sessions and panels, and targeted 1:1 meetings for creating consortia.

Are you interested in Horizon Europe calls related to smart cities and communities? are you building a consortium to present a proposal? are you searching for partners? 

Join this online event to have the opportunity to meet companies, research centres, universities, cities and other entities interested in presenting proposals to the Horizon Europe 2025-2027 calls linked to the smart city topics. You will get the opportunity to expand your international network and create partnerships and consortia.

The event consists in 3 main presentation mornings and 3 weeks for organising online meetings, following this agenda:

May 7th (morning): Presentation of keynote speakers, and project ideas and competences.

May 9th (morning): Presentation of keynote speakers and project ideas and competences.

May 15th (morning):  Panel of Municipalities and presentation of project ideas and competences.

May 7th - 30th: Brokerage event (1:1 meetings)

The event is free of charge but registration and profile activation is mandatory.


Register within the 15th April and participate to the Call4Ideas so you can be selected to be one of the speakers and present your project idea (even if it's in a beggining stage) during one of the morning sessions.

Selection of speakers will be held from April 16th and communication on the selection of speakers will be on April 21st. Please include all relevant information while registering, the ideas and competences you candidate are visible only to the organisers.

How do participants benefit from attending the event?

For whom

Companies, research centres, universities, clusters and other entities from all European Member States and Horizon Europe associated countries interested in presenting proposals to the Horizon Europe 2025-2027 and other programme calls linked to smart communities and other topics.

Selection of speakers will be held from April 16th and communication on the selection of speakers will be on April 21st. Please include all relevant information while registering, the ideas and competences you candidate are visible only to the organisers.

The brokerage event, managed by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), brings together organisations from a large number of European countries. This is a unique opportunity to generate new contacts to develop projects and ideas and assess collaboration opportunities for research, development and innovation. You can select your available slots and receive and request meetings since now to be held from May 7th afternoon to the 30th, 2025.

Goals and benefits for participants

  • Create contacts and partnerships aimed at presenting proposals to the Horizon Europe calls.

  • Receive information about trends, facts, R&D&I interests related to smart cities and communities.

  • Publish and showcase your project ideas, competences and expertise to all participants.

  • Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event

  • Generate and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way, with common interests.

Main topics covered by the event

  • Smart mobility and logistics

  • Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy

  • Circular economy

  • Climate and environment

  • Solutions for urban districts

  • ICT and digitalisation

  • Resilience

  • Data economy

  • Safety and security

  • Smart building

  • Tourism and cultural heritage

  • Health

  • Space economy

  • Smart manufacturing for urban sustainability

2025-2027 Horizon Europe and other programmes calls updates

  • Calls and topics, both open and forthcoming, can be found HERE

  • Interreg Programmes are HERE