Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2024

23 Sept 2024 | Basel, Switzerland


We are the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). With a focus on practical training and research, we offer a wide range of degree programs in various fields such as technology, business, social work, and art and design. Our institution is known for its high-quality education, strong industry partnerships, and innovative approach to preparing students for the professional world. Join us to benefit from our diverse expertise and network at the upcoming B2B networking event!


Quantum Communication&SecurityQuantum ComputingQuantum Sensing&ImagingEnabling technology (electronics, photonics, vacuum etc.)Other Quantum (consultancy, policy, education, etc.)


R&D / Engineering


Christoph Wildfeuer


Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

Marketplace (1)

  • Service

    Drone for free-space optical communications

    We fly a hexacopter with a customized gimbal system that can be used to demonstrate free-space optical quantum communications.

    • Quantum Instrumentation
    • Quantum-based use cases (chemistry, sensing, etc.)

    Christoph Wildfeuer

    Professor at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz

    Windisch, Switzerland