Dr. Habil. Henrik Szőke


University of Pécs

Pécs, Hungary

12 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

Dr. Habil. Henrik Szőke ass. Prof. is anthroposophic pediatrician since 2002. Dr. Szőke is the current acting head of the Department of Integrative Medicine and referent of the Doctorate School at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs, Hungary since 2017. Focus of his practice and research is integrative medicine, infectious diseases and fever-management. He is co-founder and leader of the Anthroposophic Medical Training (AntroMedicArt) since 2008 and the National Umbrella Organisation of Integrative Medicine Hungary (MIMSZ).

My organisation

University of Pécs


  • Research
  • Pediatrics


  • Integrative medicine
  • infectious diseases
  • Fever-management

Speaker sessions (2)

Thursday, 9 November 2023

12:10 - 13:30

TCIH cases and projects in human and veterinary medicine

Format:Live streamTrack:Expert Talk
  • 12.10 – 12.30: Best scientific case 1. TCM in human medicine (Prof. Dr. Jianping Liu, Univ. of Beijing)
  • 12.30 – 12.50: Best scientific case 2. FeverApps (Prof. Dr. David Martin, Univ. Witten-Herdecke; Dr. Henrik Szőke, Univ. of Pecs)
  • 12.50 – 13.10: Best scientific case 3. Veterinary medicine (Prof. Dr. Leonie Bonamin, University Paulista – UNIP)
  • 13.10 – 13.30: Best scientific case 4. Science and clinical practice (Dr. Andrew Flower, Univ. of Southampton)

Examples of TCIH cases in both human and veterinary medicine.

Friday, 10 November 2023

12:15 - 13:00

Workshop eHealth (parallel session 2)

Format:Video conferencingTrack:Workshops
  • FeverFriend App (Dr. Habil. Henrik Szőke)
  • TCIH website (Prof. Dr. Erik W. Baars)
  • Natural medicines app for URTIs (Drs. Eefje Belt)