Thursday 9 November 2023 | 12:10 - 13:30
TCIH cases and projects in human and veterinary medicine
Format:Live streamTrack:Expert Talk
- 12.10 – 12.30: Best scientific case 1. TCM in human medicine (Prof. Dr. Jianping Liu, Univ. of Beijing)
- 12.30 – 12.50: Best scientific case 2. FeverApps (Prof. Dr. David Martin, Univ. Witten-Herdecke; Dr. Henrik Szőke, Univ. of Pecs)
- 12.50 – 13.10: Best scientific case 3. Veterinary medicine (Prof. Dr. Leonie Bonamin, University Paulista – UNIP)
- 13.10 – 13.30: Best scientific case 4. Science and clinical practice (Dr. Andrew Flower, Univ. of Southampton)
83 participants
5 speakers