Prof. Dr. David Martin


University of Witten-Herdecke

Witten-Herdecke, Germany

13 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

Prof. Dr. David Martin is a paediatrician, paediatric endocrinologist, oncologist, diabetologist and hematologist. He holds the Gerhard Kienle Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine at the University of Witten-Herdecke, is titular Professor of Paediatrics at Tübingen University and leads the pediatric endocrinology and integrative paediatric oncology outpatient services in the Filderklinik, an anthroposophic hospital in Germany. He is founder of the FeverApp that supports families with feverish children with comprehensive information on the scientific and guideline-based management of fever, thus relieving pediatric practices. By carefully documenting the current course of fever and its treatment, scientific data can be obtained, leading to a better understanding of the fever phenomenon.

My organisation

University of Witten-Herdecke


  • Research
  • Pediatrics


  • Integrative medicine
  • Anthroposophic medicine
  • Fever-management

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 9 November 2023

12:10 - 13:30

TCIH cases and projects in human and veterinary medicine

Format:Live streamTrack:Expert Talk
  • 12.10 – 12.30: Best scientific case 1. TCM in human medicine (Prof. Dr. Jianping Liu, Univ. of Beijing)
  • 12.30 – 12.50: Best scientific case 2. FeverApps (Prof. Dr. David Martin, Univ. Witten-Herdecke; Dr. Henrik Szőke, Univ. of Pecs)
  • 12.50 – 13.10: Best scientific case 3. Veterinary medicine (Prof. Dr. Leonie Bonamin, University Paulista – UNIP)
  • 13.10 – 13.30: Best scientific case 4. Science and clinical practice (Dr. Andrew Flower, Univ. of Southampton)

Examples of TCIH cases in both human and veterinary medicine.