ProductUpdated on 7 October 2024
Purpose bound money: to incentivise and help people...
It is all inspired by my grandmothers wallet. SHE had a wallet that had different compartments, she earmaked her money for different purposes:
Grocery money, Clothing money, Rent money.. ALL purpose bound. We bring purpose bound money into the 21st century by creating MultiKnip. An app where you only have to scan a QR-code and push 1 button to pay at a store.
A wallet on your phone that can hold many different types of purpose bound money.
- Money from the municipality for families on minimum income to buy a schoollaptop for their child (which canNOT be spent on a weekend in Paris)
- Money from a healthbudget of company which can only be spent in fitnesscenters and on personal trainers (and not on sigarets and alcohol)
-Or a welcome-coin for international students, to explore their new city, get a drink or visit the local zoo.
We help companies, local Governmental bodies and organization to distribute subsidies, grants and budgets.
THEY define: WHO gets HOW much,on WHAT it can be spent, WHERE, until WHEN and ONLY pay (directly from their bank account to the retailer) for what was REALLY used.
All while: stimulating the LOCAL economy (because it cannot be spent at or Zalando), LOWERING adminstrative burden, DECREASING fraud and misuse and being eco-friendly because we use technology that uses less energy than a banktransaction.
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Yearit Schneider
CEO & Founder at SmallWorld Global
Berlin, Germany